Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Testimony Tuesday: A Moment of Reflection

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it is 2017? The older I get, the faster time flies by. I am thankful for a new year that holds all things new, unknown and untraveled territory.

Before I can move forward though, I would like to share my 2016 reflection. Below is the video from my church's new year's service, where I gave my testimony on the growth of my ministry at Cornerstone Christian Center. If you fast forward to the 1:06 mark, you can see my testimony from the beginning.

I would like to take this moment to thank my pastor, Pastor Alfred Watts, for not only asking me to share my testimony for the service but for pouring into my husband and my life for the past two years. I would also like to thank my church family for being an amazing group of individuals full of love and wisdom. I don't believe our growth would be where it is today without the loving guidance of this church body. I am forever thankful for the past two years and am looking forward to all the things the Lord has for our future.

I pray this touches somebody today! As we enter the new year, I encourage you to get plugged in to a church body. It will do so much for your growth as a Christian and person.

Blessings to you my friends,


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