Friday, October 7, 2016

Life is about choices

Run baby run
Don't you know I've tried
But escape is a waste ain't no use in hiding
you know the best way over's through

I am a passionate person. When I love, I love hard. When I'm involved in an activity or put my ideas on the table, I go hard at it.

I am an all-or-nothing lover. 

I have found that this trait in me is a part of my charm. I have also grown to learn that it is also a part of my demise when it comes to hurts and failures. I take hurts and failures just as hard as I love. Because of that, I have allowed myself to dwell on past wrongs for much longer than necessary. I have built walls that I myself could not take down and have isolated myself to a point where I don't recognize myself in social settings. Instead of facing hurts, I have justified them ... until now.

This week I have chosen to stop. I am stopping the vicious cycle of allowing my hurts to get the best of me before I continue to morph into a person I do not recognize. I am also going to choose to embrace all of those negative feelings I have so eagerly pushed away in the past. They are a part of my story and they won't last forever. They are feelings after all, and feelings are known to change. Today I will take a step out of this season (thank you very much, but good riddance!) and step back into who God created me to be. (hello sunshine!)

Today I choose to stop running. I choose to stop masking. I choose to stop building walls, and today I build a bridge. A bridge to God and a bridge to others.

What about you? What do you choose today?

What are you no longer willing to accept in your life? How have you been your own worst enemy and what choices can you make to change that? It doesn't take much but ONE choice! And that choice is yours.

Come join me. I'll see you on the other side. <3

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 

Enjoy this song from Johnnyswim. It is definitely an anthem to my new season!

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