Saturday, May 10, 2014

Who is in control?

I am feeling healing come in like a flood.

It is at the most odd time, too, because this season has brought a wave of loss to those around me. In the past two weeks, I know of at least seven deaths that have affected close friends and family members. Of all times for me to be healing, I almost feel guilty for feeling better when everyone else is experiences that first stage of grief.

Nevertheless, this is what I have been waiting and praying for; and it is undoubtedly God's perfect timing.

How comfortable are you?
In the midst of this shift, I have been able to reflect on all that has tried to bring down my spirit these past few months. I have realized that my comfort was taken from me. That cushion of self-righteousness and pride, a thinking that I am blameless and in good standing. Boy is that a false sense of security. Right when you think you have done nothing wrong, BAM, reality hits. I mean, let's be honest, when it comes to sin ---aren't we ALL guilty? Then who am I to feel blameless...ever? (I don't say this in a way that we should always walk around being and feeling convicted and guilty; but we should not walk on another extreme that we are always perfect either. That's more of where I am coming from when I speak about pride and self-righteousness)

Who is in control?
The preaching last Sunday at church truly hit me. We try to go about this Christian walk by DOING things with strength and might. We think that having a good reputation is our doing and that we can walk with a high chin because we are spotless. NOT!

That thinking in itself is off.

Yield to God
We can do as much as we want in the flesh, but in the end we will always fail. The flesh needs to learn to yield to God. There is no way that in our own strength we can completely obey God. The flesh is weak after all. (Matt. 26:41) It is the Holy Spirit that fills us and enables us to do what is called of us to do, not our own strength, will or power. What a prideful thought that our mere flesh would be any match up again the powers of Hell on our own. The enemy only bows down to one, and that is Christ. If we are not yielding to Him, we are doomed to go about things in the flesh and of our own will.

'The enemy controls'
I think I needed to realize that I had been trying to do so much in the flesh, which filled me with emotions that began to control me, rather than being lead by the spirit of God. "The enemy controls, the spirit leads."

So my question to you is, are you being controlled, are you IN control or are you being lead? When we yield to God we allow him to lead us and HE is in control. I am extremely exhausted of leading and controlling or allowing emotions to control me. I had to repent of this thinking/feeling and sit back, be still and know. What a liberating (and difficult) process. 

Who is in control?


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