Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sexual Identity

I tuned in to the online radio program In the Market  with Janet Parshall today with guest speaker Anne Paulk who spoke on the concept of the "gay Christian."

Hour 2 – And Such Were Some of You!
Anne Paulk, Executive Director of Restored Hope Network, will encourage the Church to offer the transformational truth of the Gospel to those broken by sexual sin. She will offer Biblical answers for those struggling with same sex attraction.
The homosexuality "debate" between the church and our society is at a peak. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Why do some churches and denominations accept homosexuality while others do not? If Christianity is all about love and acceptance, why are they unloving and unaccepting to homosexuals?

These are questions that the church needs to be prepared to answer. I found today's discussion extremely engaging and in some ways, harsh. When I say harsh, I don't mean that's a bad thing, but I mean that it was challenging. This is a tough discussion. Many of us have homosexual friends and loved ones. How do we go about loving on them and yet holding them accountable to the Word of God?

Take a look at today's speaker:

Anne Paulk
Anne Paulk 
Anne Paulk is a popular author and speaker on homosexual issues.She is the executive director and board member of the Restored Hope Network, a coalition of ministries helping men and women leave the homosexual life in obedience to God.
For more information, visit the Restored Hope Network.
Anne's book:

Restoring Sexual Identity 
Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction

You can listen to In the Market with the online Moody Radio Network, or visit the podcasts here: In the Market. Today's program should show up tomorrow.

Would love to hear your comments on this topic and discussion.



Thought this icon was interesting. Some would say that evangelical Christians are bullies toward homosexuals. In more recent issues (Chick-fil-A, Duck Dynasty) I have found that there are bullies on both sides...Two wrongs don't make a right. Free speech goes both ways.

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